Worried about experiencing burnout? Here are 5 symptoms to look out for and 5 things you can do to start feeling better right away.
Burnout is no joke. Our current lives have so many layers of things to tend to: professional commitments, parenting, health, social stuff…the list well and truly goes on. It’s no wonder than more and more people are feeling burnt out.

Here are five symptoms to look out for:
- Exhaustion: If you are feeling physically and emotionally drained, this could be a sign of burnout. This might be accompanied by a lack of motivation or a sense of hopelessness.
- Loss of interest: If you no longer find pleasure or fulfilment in activities that you once enjoyed, this could be a sign of burnout. This loss of interest may extend to your work and relationships as well.
- Increased stress: Burnout is often accompanied by high levels of stress. Take note of instances where you feel overwhelmed, anxious, and increasingly irritable.
- Changes in sleep patterns: Burnout can cause insomnia or excessive sleep, both of which can leave you feeling groggy and disoriented. This can further negatively impact the things you want to be doing each day, creating a loop that can make symptoms even worse.
- Changes in appetite: Burnout can also cause changes in appetite, so pay attention if you notice that you’re eating less food at meal and snack times or missing them altogether.
If you’re reading through this brief starter list and nodding your head, it’s important to take action now. Address these symptoms of burnout (or risk) before they get worse.
Here are some quick tips for starting to address symptoms of burnout:
- Lean into what brings you joy: Make time for activities that you enjoy and that help you relax, such as moving your body, meditation, reading, painting, getting time in nature. It’s not selfish, it’s literally healthcare.
- Set boundaries: Assess areas in your life where you need to implement more boundaries. Hint: If you’re feeling resentment towards someone or starting to get super irritated by specific things, start there. Resentment indicates a need for boundaries. Try to assess how necessary things are, say no to the things that aren’t, and delegate where you can.
- Manage stress: Experiment with healthy ways for coping with stress and getting relief. If you don’t have any ideas or dependable go-tos, start with the classics – therapy, yoga, journaling.
- Build a support system: Surround yourself with people who can provide emotional support and encouragement. Lean into the relationships that feel mutually life-giving. Create more distance with the ones that don’t, if that’s what you need.
- Seeking professional help: If your symptoms persist, consider booking in for therapy. You’re always welcome at Golden Thread, but it’s most important that you find a therapist match that works best for you. Support with symptoms like these is what we’re here for.
Burnout can be a debilitating condition, but it is also preventable and treatable. Over time you can build skills in detecting when you might be experiencing early signs of burnout, and you’ll get faster at responding to them each time. Even if you’re not currently at risk, take time to build up a dependable self care menu. It could support you when you need it the most later on.
We really care about helping people with this stuff – I invite you to book in a therapy session online if you’d like to get started with therapy at Golden Thread. There are so many fantastic options around for support, so please take the time to get more info and book in for what you need.