Ethical and Professional Standards

Ethical Practice

Ethical Practice
We adhere to the professional Australian Counselling Association Code of Ethics and Practice:

Supervision and Professional Development
We comply with Australian Counselling Association’s requirements for annual professional supervision, and engage with additional professional, peer, and group supervision.
We comply with the ACA’s annual requirements for ongoing professional development.

Ethical Decision-Making Policy

Golden Thread Therapy is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all aspects of practice. This policy provides a framework for making ethical decisions that prioritise the well-being of clients, ensure compliance with professional standards, and maintain the integrity of the therapeutic relationship.

Guiding Principles
Ethical decision-making at Golden Thread Therapy is grounded in the following core principles:
 • Client Well-Being: The primary responsibility of the therapist is to promote and protect the well-being of clients.
 • Autonomy: Clients are empowered to make informed choices about their care and are treated with respect and dignity at all times.
 • Confidentiality: Client information is treated with strict confidentiality, in line with legal and ethical standards.
 • Justice: All clients are treated fairly, with access to services provided without discrimination or bias.
 • Professional Competence: Decisions are made within the scope of the therapist’s training and expertise, and referrals are provided when necessary.

Ethical Decision-Making Process
When faced with an ethical dilemma or challenging situation, Golden Thread Therapy follows a structured approach to ensure that decisions are made in an ethical and thoughtful manner:
Identify the Ethical Issue:
Determine the nature of the ethical dilemma or concern. This may involve conflicts between competing ethical principles, legal requirements, or client needs.
Assess whether the issue involves confidentiality, dual relationships, boundaries, or other professional concerns.

Gather Relevant Information:
Collect all relevant information about the situation, including client preferences, legal obligations, and professional guidelines (e.g., codes of ethics from the Australian Counselling Association).
Consider any cultural, social, or contextual factors that may influence the situation.

 3. Consult Ethical Guidelines and Laws:
Refer to the ethical standards and guidelines set forth by the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) and any other relevant professional bodies.
Ensure that decisions comply with legal obligations, such as mandatory reporting requirements or privacy laws like the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).

 4. Evaluate Potential Actions:
Consider the possible courses of action and evaluate their potential impact on the client, the therapeutic relationship, and the practice.
Weigh the ethical principles involved, such as client autonomy versus the need to protect the client from harm (e.g., in cases of risk of harm to self or others).

 5. Seek Supervision or Consultation:
If the ethical dilemma is complex or unclear, Ashleigh will seek guidance from a supervisor or a trusted colleague to ensure that the decision is sound and in line with professional standards.
Peer consultation may also be sought to gain different perspectives on the issue.

 6. Involve the Client in Decision-Making:
Where appropriate, the client will be involved in the decision-making process. This ensures that their preferences, autonomy, and informed consent are respected.
Open communication with the client is key to resolving ethical issues in a collaborative manner.

 7. Make a Decision and Take Action:
Based on the information gathered, ethical guidelines, and professional consultation, a decision will be made that prioritises the client’s well-being and adheres to ethical principles.
The decision will be implemented in a manner that is transparent and respectful to the client.

 8.Document the Process:
All decisions and actions taken in response to ethical dilemmas will be thoroughly documented in the client’s file. This includes the nature of the issue, the decision-making process, and any consultations that took place.
Documentation ensures accountability and provides a clear record of how the ethical issue was addressed.

 9. Review and Reflect:
After the decision has been made and implemented, the outcome will be reviewed to assess its effectiveness and whether any additional actions are required.
Reflection on the ethical decision-making process is an essential part of professional growth and may inform future decisions.

Common Ethical Challenges
The following are examples of common ethical challenges that may arise in practice, along with considerations for addressing them:
 • Confidentiality and Disclosure:
 • Clients’ information is kept confidential, except where disclosure is required by law (e.g., when there is a risk of harm to self or others).
 • Ethical decision-making involves determining when and how to break confidentiality in a way that prioritises client safety while adhering to legal requirements.
 • Dual Relationships:
 • Golden Thread Therapy avoids dual relationships (e.g., personal, social, or business relationships with clients) that could impair professional judgement or create conflicts of interest.
 • If a dual relationship is unavoidable, steps are taken to manage boundaries ethically and transparently, always prioritising the client’s best interests.
 • Informed Consent:
 • Clients are provided with clear, detailed information about the therapy process, their rights, and the potential risks and benefits of treatment. Informed consent is obtained before any therapy begins.
 • Ongoing consent is required if there are significant changes to the treatment plan or if new interventions (e.g., complementary therapies) are introduced.
 • Cultural Sensitivity:
 • Ethical decisions are made with an understanding of the client’s cultural, religious, and social context. Therapists ensure that decisions respect and accommodate the client’s cultural background and values.
 • Competence and Scope of Practice:
 • Therapists only provide services within their area of competence and training. If a client’s needs fall outside of Ashleigh’s expertise, a referral will be made to a qualified professional.
 • Continuing professional development is a priority to ensure competence and ethical practice.

Supervision and Professional Development
 • Ashleigh participates in regular supervision and professional development to stay informed about emerging ethical issues and to enhance ethical decision-making skills.
 • Supervision provides a space for discussing ethical dilemmas, reflecting on practice, and ensuring that decisions align with professional standards.

Review and Updates
 • The Ethical Decision-Making Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure that it reflects current professional guidelines and legal requirements.
 • Updates to the policy will be made as needed to incorporate changes in ethical standards, laws, or professional practice.

Professional Boundaries

Dual Relationships and Conflicts of Interest
 • In order to protect the therapeutic relationship, I will make every effort to avoid dual relationships with clients. This includes avoiding personal, social, or business relationships that could impair professional judgement or increase the risk of exploitation.
 • I will not enter into business agreements or partnerships with clients under any circumstances, as this can create conflicts of interest and negatively impact the therapeutic process.
 • If a situation arises where a dual relationship is unavoidable or in the best interest of the client, it will be openly discussed, and appropriate steps will be taken to manage potential conflicts while prioritising the client’s well-being.

Social Media Policy
 • To preserve the confidentiality and privacy of the therapeutic relationship, I do not accept friend requests from clients on social media platforms and will not follow client accounts.
 • I will respond to comments made publicly on my business Instagram page and posts, but I will never reveal or imply that someone is a client of mine in any public forum.
 • I will engage with client comments on social media in a limited and professional manner, acknowledging responses to posts when appropriate.
 • I will not engage in extensive private messaging with clients via social media (e.g., Instagram Direct Messages), and any communication regarding therapy will be conducted through appropriate, confidential channels, such as phone, email, or secure platforms.

Cultural Competency and Sensitivity Policy

At Golden Thread Therapy, we are committed to providing an inclusive and culturally sensitive environment for all clients. This policy outlines our approach to understanding, respecting, and integrating the diverse cultural, racial, ethnic, and social backgrounds of our clients into the therapeutic process.

Commitment to Cultural Competency
Golden Thread Therapy recognises that each client brings unique cultural experiences and identities into the therapeutic space. We are dedicated to:
 • Understanding Cultural Differences: Taking the time to understand each client’s cultural background, values, and belief systems as they relate to mental health and the therapeutic process.
 • Adapting Therapy Approaches: Tailoring therapeutic approaches to respect and align with the client’s cultural context, ensuring that therapy is relevant and supportive of their individual needs.
 • Ongoing Education: Engaging in continuous learning and professional development to enhance cultural awareness and competence. This includes seeking out training, resources, and supervision focused on diversity and inclusivity.
Client-Centred Approach
Golden Thread Therapy takes a client-centred approach to cultural competency by:
 • Acknowledging Cultural Context: Recognising that a client’s culture, including race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, and socio-economic background, may influence their mental health and worldview.
 • Open Dialogue: Creating a safe space where clients feel comfortable discussing cultural issues, experiences of discrimination, or identity-related challenges without fear of judgement.
 • Collaboration: Working collaboratively with clients to incorporate their cultural perspectives into the therapeutic process and treatment plans.

Non-Discriminatory Practice
 • Golden Thread Therapy is committed to providing a non-discriminatory environment where all clients are treated with respect, dignity, and fairness, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or socio-economic status.
 • We actively work to ensure that clients feel welcome and safe, fostering a therapeutic space that celebrates diversity and inclusivity.

Culturally Adapted Interventions
 • Flexible Therapeutic Methods: We recognise that different cultures may have unique perspectives on mental health and healing. Golden Thread Therapy integrates culturally adapted therapeutic methods, when appropriate, to ensure that clients feel understood and supported in a way that aligns with their cultural identity.
 • Language Sensitivity: Efforts are made to use language that is inclusive, respectful, and avoids assumptions based on cultural stereotypes. If necessary, referrals to language-specific services or translators will be provided.

Respect for Religious and Spiritual Beliefs
 • Golden Thread Therapy respects the role that religion and spirituality may play in a client’s life. We are open to discussing and incorporating a client’s religious or spiritual practices into therapy when it is meaningful and beneficial to the client’s mental health and well-being.
 • If a client prefers a faith-based therapist or a specific religious framework that is beyond our expertise, appropriate referrals will be made to ensure the client’s needs are met.

Awareness of Power and Privilege
 • Self-Reflection: Ashleigh is committed to ongoing self-reflection to recognise and address any personal biases or areas of privilege that may affect the therapeutic relationship. This includes examining how power dynamics related to race, gender, or socio-economic status may influence interactions with clients.
 • Ethical Responsibility: Golden Thread Therapy adheres to ethical guidelines that require cultural sensitivity and awareness of the diverse needs of clients. We seek to minimise power imbalances in the therapeutic relationship and promote a collaborative, respectful dynamic.

Cultural Competence in Trauma-Informed Care
 • For clients who have experienced trauma related to discrimination, racism, or cultural oppression, Golden Thread Therapy offers trauma-informed care that recognises the impact of these experiences on mental health.
 • Therapy will include an exploration of how cultural identity, systemic oppression, and experiences of marginalisation may contribute to trauma and mental health challenges.

Collaborative Partnerships and Referrals
 • When necessary, Golden Thread Therapy will collaborate with culturally specific community organisations, healers, or other health professionals to provide culturally sensitive care or make appropriate referrals.
 • We actively seek to establish relationships with diverse community organisations and professionals who can support clients’ cultural and mental health needs.

Ongoing Development and Training
 • Golden Thread Therapy is committed to continuous improvement in cultural competency. Ashleigh regularly participates in workshops, courses, and supervision focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion in mental health.
 • Feedback from clients is welcomed to improve the cultural sensitivity of our practice. This feedback is used to adapt and refine therapeutic approaches to meet the diverse needs of the client base.

Review and Updates
 • The Cultural Competency and Sensitivity Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure that it reflects current best practices in cultural awareness and inclusivity. Changes to the policy will be communicated to clients as necessary.

Anti-Discrimination and Inclusion Policy

At Golden Thread Therapy, we are committed to creating an environment where all clients feel safe, respected, and valued. This policy outlines our commitment to providing inclusive, non-discriminatory services, ensuring that everyone has equal access to mental health care regardless of their background or identity.

Policy Statement
Golden Thread Therapy, under the guidance of Ashleigh Montgomery, maintains a strict policy of non-discrimination and is dedicated to fostering a culture of inclusion. We do not tolerate discrimination of any kind based on:
 • Race, ethnicity, or national origin
 • Gender identity or expression
 • Sexual orientation
 • Age
 • Religion or spiritual beliefs
 • Disability, physical or mental health status
 • Socioeconomic status
 • Marital or family status
 • Any other protected characteristic as defined by law

Commitment to Inclusive Practices
 • Culturally Competent Care: We are committed to understanding and respecting the cultural, racial, and ethnic backgrounds of our clients. This includes continuing education on cultural competency and tailoring therapeutic approaches to meet the unique needs of diverse populations.
 • LGBTQIA+ Affirming: Golden Thread Therapy provides a welcoming and supportive space for individuals of all gender identities and sexual orientations. We use affirming language and practices, ensuring that clients feel accepted and respected.
 • Disability Access: We are dedicated to providing accessible services to clients with disabilities, including physical, sensory, or cognitive impairments. Reasonable accommodations will be made to ensure access to therapy, whether in person or through telehealth platforms.
 • Religious and Spiritual Sensitivity: We recognize the importance of religious and spiritual beliefs in the lives of clients and incorporate these perspectives with respect and sensitivity when appropriate in the therapeutic process.
 • Economic Inclusivity: We offer sliding scale fees and concessions for eligible clients to ensure that financial constraints do not prevent individuals from accessing the care they need.

Client Inclusion and Respect
 • Every client will be treated with dignity, respect, and fairness throughout the therapeutic process.
 • Clients are encouraged to express their identities openly and without fear of judgement or prejudice. The therapeutic relationship is built on trust, and every effort will be made to ensure that clients feel heard, supported, and validated.

Complaint and Resolution Process
 • Any client who believes they have experienced discrimination or a violation of this policy is encouraged to raise the concern with Ashleigh directly. We are committed to addressing complaints promptly and respectfully.
 • If the issue is not resolved satisfactorily, clients may lodge a formal complaint with a relevant third party, such as the Australian Counselling Association (ACA), which can offer additional support and guidance.

Staff Training and Development
 • Ashleigh will regularly engage in professional development, training, and supervision to stay informed about best practices in anti-discrimination and inclusion. This ongoing education ensures that the services provided at Golden Thread Therapy are reflective of current standards in diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Review and Accountability
 • This Anti-Discrimination and Inclusion Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it reflects changes in legal standards and best practices. Any updates to the policy will be implemented to continue providing a safe, inclusive environment for all clients.

Marketing and Advertising Policy

At Golden Thread Therapy, our marketing and advertising efforts are designed to communicate our services in an honest, ethical, and professional manner. This policy outlines the standards and guidelines that govern the promotion of our counselling services to ensure compliance with ethical standards, transparency, and client trust.

Principles of Ethical Marketing and Advertising
Golden Thread Therapy follows these core principles when marketing services:
 • Honesty and Transparency: All marketing materials, including website content, social media posts, and advertisements, will accurately reflect the nature of the services provided. Claims about the effectiveness of therapy, qualifications, or client outcomes will be factual and not misleading.
 • Professionalism: All promotional activities will maintain the highest standards of professionalism, reflecting the values of the counselling profession and Golden Thread Therapy.
 • Confidentiality: Marketing efforts will never disclose or imply information that could compromise client confidentiality. Client stories or testimonials will only be shared with explicit, written consent. Client testimonials will never be requested.

Compliance with Ethical and Legal Standards
 • Marketing and advertising at Golden Thread Therapy comply with the ethical guidelines set forth by the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) and any relevant local or national laws.
 • Any claims made about services, therapeutic techniques, or expected outcomes will be evidence-based and within the scope of practice. False or exaggerated claims about the effectiveness of therapy will not be used.
 • Offers of special pricing, discounts, or promotions (if applicable) will clearly outline terms and conditions, avoiding any misleading information.

Content Creation and Messaging
 • Website and Social Media: Content created for the website, blog posts, and social media platforms will focus on providing valuable information about mental health, therapeutic techniques, and counselling services. All content will be respectful, culturally sensitive, and inclusive.
 • Tone and Approach: Marketing materials will maintain a tone that aligns with the practice’s values of honesty, kindness, professionalism, and warmth. Content will avoid using fear-based tactics, overly clinical jargon, or misleading language.

Client Testimonials and Reviews
 • Golden Thread Therapy may share client testimonials as part of its marketing strategy, but only with the explicit, written consent of clients. Testimonials will not be manipulated or fabricated in any way and will be presented in a way that respects client anonymity and confidentiality.
 • In situations where clients provide online reviews on platforms like Google or social media, Ashleigh will maintain professionalism in responding, respecting the client’s perspective while preserving privacy.
Client testimonials will never be requested from Golden Thread Therapy or expected.

Social Media Engagement
 • Platforms: Golden Thread Therapy uses social media (e.g., Instagram) to promote its services and engage with the community. Social media posts are carefully crafted to reflect the values and mission of the practice.
 • Engagement with Followers: Ashleigh will respond to comments on public social media posts professionally, without disclosing that the commenter is a client or engaging in any private therapeutic discussions in the public forum.
 • No Private Messaging for Therapy: Social media direct messaging (e.g., Instagram DMs) will not be used for therapy-related discussions. Clients are encouraged to contact Ashleigh via secure communication channels such as email or phone.

Brand Representation
 • Consistency in Branding: The branding for Golden Thread Therapy, including the logo, colour scheme, and messaging, will remain consistent across all platforms and promotional materials to create a cohesive and professional image.
 • Therapy Dog Inclusion: Beanie, the therapy dog, may be featured in marketing materials as part of the therapeutic environment, but this will be done in a way that emphasises Beanie’s supportive role without making unfounded claims about therapeutic outcomes.

Advertising Channels
 • Digital Marketing: Golden Thread Therapy primarily uses online channels such as the practice website, social media (Instagram), and professional directories to advertise services. Advertisements will comply with all ethical guidelines and platform regulations.
 • Traditional Advertising: If any traditional advertising is used (e.g., flyers, posters), it will be placed in locations that align with the practice’s values, and the content will adhere to ethical and professional standards.

No Unsolicited or Aggressive Marketing
 • Golden Thread Therapy will not engage in unsolicited outreach (e.g., cold calling or spam emails) as part of its marketing strategy. The practice seeks to attract clients organically through professional networking, word-of-mouth referrals, and content marketing that adds value to the mental health community. Paid advertisements will meet ethical and professional standards.

Referrals and Partnerships
 • If partnerships or referral relationships are formed with other health professionals, this will be disclosed transparently to clients. Marketing materials will not endorse or promote third-party services unless there is a clear professional relationship and benefit for clients.

Monitoring and Feedback
 • Golden Thread Therapy actively monitors the effectiveness and appropriateness of its marketing and advertising efforts. Client feedback on advertising is welcomed, and changes will be made if any material is found to be misleading or unprofessional.

Review and Updates
 • This Marketing and Advertising Policy will be reviewed annually or as needed to ensure compliance with current ethical guidelines and marketing best practices. Any updates will be made in accordance with changes in laws or professional standards.

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