Therapy Delivery and Operational Policies

Telehealth Policy

At Golden Thread Therapy, we are committed to providing flexible, accessible mental health services through telehealth. This policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for offering counselling sessions via secure online platforms, ensuring that clients receive the same level of care as they would in person.

Telehealth Platforms
 • Primary Platform: We use Upheal for telehealth sessions, offering a secure, encrypted platform to protect client confidentiality and ensure a smooth and reliable experience.
 • Alternative Platforms: In addition to Upheal, we can accommodate sessions via phone or FaceTime if required, allowing clients to choose the method that best suits their needs.

Client Eligibility for Telehealth
 • Telehealth is available for clients who cannot attend in-person sessions due to geographical, health, or scheduling reasons.
 • Clients who are new to telehealth will receive an orientation on how to use the platform effectively before their first session, ensuring they are comfortable with the process.

Confidentiality and Privacy
 • Telehealth sessions are conducted in accordance with privacy and confidentiality standards, as set by the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and other relevant data protection regulations.
 • Sessions conducted via Upheal are encrypted, ensuring that no third parties can access the content of therapy sessions.
 • Clients are encouraged to choose a private, quiet space during sessions to maintain confidentiality on their end. Headphones are recommended for additional privacy.

Consent for Telehealth
 • All clients participating in telehealth sessions must provide informed consent, acknowledging the use of an online platform for counselling and understanding any associated risks (e.g., potential technical issues).
 • Consent for telehealth is obtained as part of the initial intake process and can be revisited as needed.

Scheduling and Fees
 • Telehealth sessions are scheduled in the same way as in-person appointments. All fees, including standard session rates, cancellation policies, and after-hours charges, apply to telehealth services as well.
 • Payments for telehealth sessions are processed electronically, and clients are responsible for ensuring timely payment before or after the session, depending on the agreed payment method.

Technical Requirements
 • For Upheal Sessions:
 • Clients should have access to a reliable internet connection, a functioning camera and microphone, and a quiet, private space for their session.
 • Upheal works best on a desktop or laptop computer but can also be accessed via mobile devices if necessary.
 • For Phone and FaceTime Sessions:
 • Clients opting for phone or FaceTime sessions should ensure they have a stable phone connection and a private setting to maintain confidentiality.

Technical Issues
 • In the event of technical difficulties during a telehealth session (e.g., loss of connection, poor video quality), Ashleigh will make every effort to reconnect and continue the session.
 • If reconnection is not possible, the session will be rescheduled at a mutually convenient time, or the remainder of the session can be completed via phone if both parties agree.

Limitations of Telehealth
 • Telehealth may not be suitable for all clients, particularly those experiencing severe mental health crises or in need of more intensive, in-person support.
 • Ashleigh will work with each client to assess whether telehealth is appropriate based on their individual needs, and clients will be referred to in-person services if telehealth is not deemed suitable.

Emergency Protocols
 • Clients using telehealth services must provide an emergency contact and their physical location at the beginning of each session in case of an emergency during the session.
 • In the event of a mental health crisis or emergency, standard crisis management procedures will be followed, including contacting emergency services if necessary.

Review and Updates
 • This Telehealth Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it complies with the latest regulations and technological standards. Any updates to the policy will be communicated to clients in advance.

Animal Welfare Policy for Therapy Dog

This policy ensures the welfare, safety, and health of Beanie, the therapy dog, as part of the counselling environment. The goal is to maintain Beanie’s well-being and provide a safe, comfortable experience for clients interacting with the dog
Therapy Dog’s Role
Beanie is a trained therapy dog who plays a supportive role in the therapeutic process, helping clients feel at ease, reduce anxiety, and foster emotional connection. Beanie is incorporated into sessions with client consent and is always under the supervision of Ashleigh Montgomery.

Health and Well-Being of Beanie
 • Routine Veterinary Care: Beanie receives regular veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, and preventative care, including flea, tick, and worming treatments.
 • Diet and Nutrition: Beanie is provided with a balanced and appropriate diet, ensuring access to fresh water at all times.
 • Physical Exercise: Beanie is given daily exercise outside of working hours to maintain physical health and well-being.
 • Rest Periods: Regular breaks are provided throughout the day, including rest periods away from clients, to ensure Beanie is not overworked or stressed.

Hygiene and Cleanliness
 • Beanie is groomed regularly, with routine bathing, nail trimming, and coat care to ensure cleanliness and minimise allergens.
 • Beanie’s bedding and any toys or accessories are kept clean and disinfected regularly.
 • The counselling space is cleaned to maintain hygiene, with particular attention to areas Beanie frequents.

Client Interaction
 • Client Consent: Beanie will only be present in sessions when clients have given explicit consent. Clients will be informed about Beanie’s role, and alternative arrangements will be made for those who may be uncomfortable with or allergic to dogs.
 • Client Safety: Beanie’s behaviour is monitored at all times to ensure a safe interaction. Beanie has undergone training with Therapy Dogs Australia to remain calm and responsive during sessions.
 • Boundaries: Clients are advised on appropriate interactions with Beanie, including gentle petting and not feeding the dog unless otherwise directed by Ashleigh.

Therapy Dog Welfare in Sessions
 • Beanie will only participate in sessions when exhibiting good health and appropriate behaviour. If Beanie shows signs of distress or fatigue, she will be removed from the session and given a break.
 • Beanie is not used in sessions for extended periods without rest to prevent stress or overstimulation.

Animal Care Outside of Work Hours
 • Beanie lives in a comfortable home environment and is provided with care, affection, and downtime outside of therapy sessions.
 • Beanie’s schedule allows for sufficient rest, socialisation, and playtime to support overall well-being.

Emergency Protocol
 • In the event of illness or injury to Beanie, a veterinary professional will be consulted immediately, and Beanie will not participate in sessions until cleared by the veterinarian.
 • If Beanie is unavailable for any reason, clients will be informed in advance and alternative session arrangements will be made if necessary.

Record Retention and Disposal

We adhere to the Australian Counselling Association’s confidentiality and documentation guidelines:

Document Retention Policy
At Golden Thread Therapy, we retain client records for future reference, whether for future services or legal/administrative matters. Our record retention policy complies with relevant Health Records Acts and other applicable legislation.
 • Adult Clients (18 years and over): Records will be retained for at least 7 years following the last contact with the client.
 • Clients Under 18 Years of Age: Records will be retained until the client reaches 25 years of age.

Exceptions to the Minimum Retention Period:
 1. Victims of Crime: Records must be retained until the statutory limitation period is reached. This varies depending on the nature of the crime and state legislation.
 2. Clients Involved in Legal Proceedings: For clients under guardianship, involved in ongoing claims, or under court/tribunal orders, records will be kept indefinitely.
 3. Indigenous Clients: In certain states (e.g., Northern Territory, NSW), records of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients must be retained indefinitely.

As legislation changes, Golden Thread Therapy will remain up-to-date on legal requirements regarding the retention of client records.

Disposal of Client Records
Once retention periods have lapsed, client records will be securely disposed of in a manner that protects confidentiality:
 • Physical Records: Shredding will be used to destroy physical documents.
 • Electronic Records: Electronic data will be sanitised or the storage hardware destroyed to prevent retrieval.

Planning for the Unexpected
In the event of sudden incapacity or death, continuity of care for clients, management of client records, and handling of unfinished business will be overseen by my appointed representative, Ryan Van der Aa. Ryan is bound by the same confidentiality agreements established with clients, ensuring the ethical management of client records. These arrangements are outlined in a written Professional/Clinical Will.

Consultation and Collaboration

At Golden Thread Therapy, we are committed to providing comprehensive care that meets the diverse needs of our clients. This policy outlines the approach to consultation and collaboration with other health professionals and service providers to ensure that clients receive the most appropriate and effective care.

Consultation with Other Professionals
 • Client Consent:
 • Before consulting with any external professionals (e.g., doctors, psychiatrists, social workers), Golden Thread Therapy will obtain the client’s informed consent in writing. The purpose and scope of the consultation will be clearly explained to the client.
 • Clients have the right to refuse consultation with external professionals and may withdraw consent at any time.
 • Purpose of Consultation:
 • Consultations may be initiated to gather additional information that could enhance the therapeutic process or to coordinate care for clients with complex needs.
 • This may include consultation regarding medical or psychiatric conditions, specialised therapies, or other relevant aspects of the client’s well-being.
 • Confidentiality:
 • Any information shared with external professionals during a consultation will be limited to what is necessary for the coordination of care, and client confidentiality will be maintained in accordance with privacy laws (e.g., Australian Privacy Principles).

Collaboration with Health Professionals
 • Interdisciplinary Collaboration:
 • When working with clients who are receiving care from other health professionals (e.g., GPs, psychiatrists, allied health practitioners), Golden Thread Therapy will actively collaborate with these professionals to ensure holistic, client-centred care.
 • Collaboration may include sharing progress reports, discussing treatment plans, and coordinating strategies to support the client’s overall health and well-being.
 • Coordinated Care Plans:
 • For clients with complex or ongoing needs, Golden Thread Therapy will work closely with the client’s broader healthcare team to develop a coordinated care plan. This ensures that all professionals involved in the client’s care are aligned in their approach and that the client receives consistent and cohesive support.
 • Referrals:
 • If it is determined that a client would benefit from additional services outside the scope of Golden Thread Therapy, appropriate referrals will be provided. This may include referrals to specialists, complementary therapists, or other support services.
 • Referrals will only be made to qualified, trusted professionals, and the referral process will be discussed openly with the client to ensure they feel comfortable and informed.

Multidisciplinary Team Approach
 • Collaborative Case Management:
 • For clients requiring a multidisciplinary approach (e.g., those with mental health conditions requiring medical or psychiatric intervention), Golden Thread Therapy will collaborate with the client’s multidisciplinary team to manage the case effectively.
 • Regular meetings or case discussions with other professionals may be scheduled, with client consent, to review progress and adjust care plans as needed.
 • Professional Networks:
 • Golden Thread Therapy maintains a network of trusted professionals and organisations to ensure clients can be referred to appropriate services when necessary. This includes medical professionals, allied health practitioners, complementary therapists, and community services.

Third-Party Involvement in Client Care
 • Insurance Providers and Legal Entities:
 • In some cases, third parties (e.g., insurance companies or legal entities) may request information regarding a client’s care. In these situations, client consent will be obtained before any information is shared, and only necessary information will be provided in accordance with legal and ethical standards.
 • Golden Thread Therapy will cooperate with third-party requests only when it is in the best interest of the client and in compliance with legal obligations.
 • Educational and Workplace Support:
 • When appropriate, Golden Thread Therapy may collaborate with educational institutions or workplaces to support clients facing challenges related to their academic or professional environments.
 • This may include providing reports or recommendations to support academic accommodations or workplace adjustments, with the client’s consent.

Inter-Agency Collaboration for Complex Needs
 • Working with Community Services:
 • For clients with complex social or emotional needs, Golden Thread Therapy will collaborate with community services (e.g., housing, legal aid, social services) to ensure comprehensive support is provided.
 • Collaboration with community services may be necessary for clients experiencing homelessness, domestic violence, or other significant challenges affecting their mental health and well-being.

Case Supervision and Peer Consultation
 • Internal Consultation and Supervision:
 • Ashleigh will regularly engage in professional supervision and peer consultation to review challenging cases, receive feedback, and ensure the highest standard of care is provided.
 • During supervision or peer consultation, client information will be de-identified to protect confidentiality, and the focus will remain on improving care strategies and outcomes.

Review and Documentation of Collaboration
 • Documentation of Collaborative Efforts:
 • All consultations, collaborations, and referrals will be documented in the client’s file, including the date, purpose, and outcomes of the collaboration.
 • Any changes to the client’s care plan resulting from collaboration will be discussed with the client and recorded in their treatment notes.

Review and Updates
 • This Consultation and Collaboration Policy will be reviewed annually or as needed to ensure it meets current best practices and aligns with ethical standards. Any updates will be communicated to clients and collaborating professionals as necessary.

Referral and Service Refusal

Golden Thread Therapy is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care for all clients. However, there may be instances where a referral to another professional or service is in the best interest of the client. This policy outlines the procedures for making referrals and the circumstances under which Golden Thread Therapy may refuse or discontinue services.

Referral Policy
 • When Referrals Are Made:
 • A referral to another professional or service will be made when a client’s needs are outside the scope of practice or expertise of Golden Thread Therapy.
 • Referrals may be necessary for clients requiring specialised care, such as:
 • Medical or psychiatric intervention (e.g., medication management, severe mental health conditions like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder)
 • Substance abuse treatment programs
 • Specialised trauma-specific interventions (e.g., EMDR, trauma-focused therapy)
 • Legal or financial counselling services
 • Complementary health services (e.g., nutritionists, physiotherapists)
 • Ashleigh will discuss the need for referral openly with the client, ensuring they understand the reason for the referral and feel supported throughout the process.

 • Procedure for Referrals:
 • Identifying Appropriate Providers: Ashleigh will refer clients to trusted professionals or organisations with the necessary qualifications and expertise to meet the client’s specific needs.
 • Client Consent: Before making a referral, informed consent will be obtained from the client. The client will be given the option to accept or decline the referral, and they will be involved in the decision-making process.
 • Providing Information: Clients will be provided with contact details and relevant information about the referral professional or service. Ashleigh may also offer assistance in arranging the initial appointment or contact with the referred provider, if needed.
 • Follow-Up: Golden Thread Therapy may follow up with the client to ensure that the referral process was successful and to provide additional support or referrals if necessary.

Service Refusal Policy
 • When Services May Be Refused or Discontinued:
 • Golden Thread Therapy may refuse or discontinue services to a client under certain circumstances, including but not limited to:
 • Beyond Scope of Practice: If the client’s needs are outside of Ashleigh’s scope of practice, or if the required intervention exceeds the expertise offered by Golden Thread Therapy.
 • Non-Compliance: If a client consistently fails to attend sessions, does not adhere to the agreed-upon treatment plan, or repeatedly violates the cancellation policy, services may be discontinued.
 • Inappropriate Behaviour: If a client exhibits inappropriate, abusive, or threatening behaviour towards Ashleigh or other individuals in the therapy environment (including Beanie, the therapy dog), services may be refused immediately to ensure the safety and well-being of all parties.
 • Conflict of Interest: If a conflict of interest arises that compromises the therapeutic relationship or ethical standards, services may be discontinued. In such cases, a referral to another professional will be provided.
 • Non-Payment: If a client consistently fails to make payments or incurs unpaid balances, services may be suspended until the outstanding payments are resolved.
 • Procedure for Service Refusal or Discontinuation:
 • Discussion with the Client: Before refusing or discontinuing services, Ashleigh will discuss the reasons for the decision with the client, providing an opportunity for the client to ask questions and express concerns.
 • Referrals and Support: If services are refused or discontinued, Ashleigh will offer appropriate referrals to other professionals or services that may better meet the client’s needs. The goal is to ensure that clients have access to the care they require, even if it is not through Golden Thread Therapy.
 • Written Notice: In some cases, written notice will be provided to the client outlining the reasons for discontinuation of services, along with any relevant referrals or recommendations.
 • Exceptions to Service Refusal:
 • Services will not be refused or discontinued based on a client’s race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or socio-economic status. All decisions regarding the refusal or discontinuation of services will be made in line with ethical standards and the client’s best interest.

Emergency Situations
 • If a client poses an immediate risk to themselves or others, Ashleigh may refuse or terminate services in favour of emergency intervention (e.g., hospitalisation, crisis intervention services). In such cases, the safety of the client and others will be prioritised, and the appropriate emergency services will be contacted.

Service Refusal in Telehealth
 • Telehealth services may be refused or discontinued if:
 • The client’s needs require in-person sessions that telehealth cannot accommodate (e.g., complex trauma requiring face-to-face interaction).
 • Technical or confidentiality issues compromise the effectiveness or security of the telehealth session.

Appealing a Service Refusal or Discontinuation
 • Clients have the right to appeal the decision to refuse or discontinue services. Appeals should be made in writing and will be reviewed by Ashleigh in consultation with relevant professional standards and guidelines.
 • Clients may also seek support from a third party, such as the Australian Counselling Association (ACA), to resolve any disputes regarding the refusal of services.

Review and Updates
 • The Referral and Service Refusal Policy will be reviewed annually or as needed to ensure that it reflects current ethical standards and best practices. Any updates will be communicated to clients as necessary.

Termination of Therapy

At Golden Thread Therapy, the termination of the therapeutic relationship is a natural and important part of the counselling process. This policy outlines the procedures for the termination of therapy to ensure it is conducted ethically, respectfully, and in the best interests of the client.
Voluntary Termination by the Client
 • Clients have the right to end therapy at any time. They are encouraged to discuss their decision to terminate with Ashleigh, so the process can be handled in a collaborative and thoughtful manner.
 • When a client wishes to terminate, a final session is recommended to review progress, address any unresolved issues, and discuss appropriate aftercare or referrals, if necessary.
 • Clients are welcome to return to therapy in the future should they require additional support.

Therapist-Initiated Termination
Ashleigh may initiate the termination of therapy under the following circumstances:
 • Therapeutic Goals Have Been Met: When the client and Ashleigh agree that therapeutic goals have been achieved and further sessions are no longer necessary.
 • Lack of Progress: If it is determined that the client is not benefiting from therapy or that another form of treatment may be more appropriate, Ashleigh will discuss this with the client and offer referrals to other professionals or services.
 • Non-Compliance or Missed Sessions: If a client repeatedly cancels or misses sessions, does not adhere to the cancellation policy, or fails to engage in the therapy process, Ashleigh may decide that it is no longer productive to continue. The client will be informed of this decision, and alternative services or providers will be recommended.
 • Conflicts of Interest or Boundary Issues: If dual relationships, ethical concerns, or conflicts of interest arise, Ashleigh will address the situation and, if necessary, terminate the therapeutic relationship to maintain professional boundaries.
 • Inappropriate Behaviour: If a client exhibits threatening, violent, or inappropriate behaviour that compromises the safety of Ashleigh, other clients, or Beanie (the therapy dog), therapy may be terminated immediately, and appropriate actions will be taken to ensure safety.

Referral to Other Services
 • If therapy is terminated by Ashleigh due to a lack of progress, non-compliance, or any other reason, a referral to another qualified mental health professional or service will be provided where appropriate.
 • Referrals may also be offered if the client’s needs are beyond the scope of services provided by Golden Thread Therapy (e.g., if a client requires specialised care for issues such as substance abuse, trauma, or psychiatric conditions).

Termination in Case of Therapist’s Absence or Inability to Continue
 • In the event that Ashleigh is unable to continue therapy due to personal circumstances (e.g., illness, emergency, or other incapacity), clients will be notified as soon as possible, and referrals to other qualified therapists will be provided to ensure continuity of care.
 • Ashleigh’s partner, Ryan Van der Aa, will manage any unfinished business of the practice, including the proper handling of client records and the provision of referrals, in the event of Ashleigh’s sudden incapacity or death, as outlined in the Professional Will.

Emergency Termination
 • In cases where a client presents a risk of harm to themselves or others, Ashleigh may determine that therapy must be terminated, and emergency services or a more intensive treatment option (e.g., hospitalisation or crisis intervention) may be arranged.

Aftercare and Follow-Up
 • At the time of termination, clients will be provided with appropriate aftercare recommendations, which may include self-care strategies, referrals to other professionals, or community resources.
 • Clients are welcome to return to therapy or request follow-up sessions at any time in the future if they feel the need for further support.

Termination Notification
 • Clients will be notified verbally or in writing regarding the termination of therapy, and any concerns or questions about the decision can be addressed during the final session or communication.
 • If the client is unresponsive or does not attend scheduled sessions, a written notice of termination will be sent, including any relevant referrals or resources.

Review and Updates
 • This Termination of Therapy Policy will be reviewed annually or as needed to ensure compliance with ethical standards and to reflect any changes in best practices.

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